
Kennedy, a Production Assistant, based in Saint Louis, has 2 Production Assistant credits and 1 Director credit, and has been a member since 2022.


5/22 – 6/22

Production Assistant Hoarders (Season 14)

A&E — TV — TLG Motion Pictures, LLC Details
5/22 – 6/22

Assisted with loading and unloading of equipment, did crafty runs, insured equipment safety, helped crew whenever it was needed. I also assisted with organization of the set.

10/20 – 12/20

Director Finding Me

Film (Short) — Student Film Details
10/20 – 12/20

I wrote, directed, shot, and produced my own short documentary during the pandemic.

11/19 – 11/19

Production Assistant Great Christmas Light Fight (Season 8)

ABC — TV — Triple Threat Productions Details
11/19 – 11/19

Assisted crew with various jobs.


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Class of '20

Webster University

Film, Tv, and Video Production


  • Producing
  • Writing
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Microsoft Office Suite